Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Five rhino's (or razorbacks)

This is my most ambitious project so far.

Five rhino's/razorbacks built at the same time

All parts cut from the sprue :)

And all of them are Space-Wolfified and partly assembled :)

Interiors are primed, and the build is complete

Interiors are fully base coated, and almost all details are painted in.
Tomorrow they will be finished, and all five rhino's can be assembled, and readied for external priming :)

And here they are assembled :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Two land speeders - almost ready

All there is left to do with these speeders are the lights, and they will be table top ready :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Magnetized land speeders for the space wolves army

I bought two land speeder kits, and even though I will probably never use the missile launchers, it was just a shame to let them go to waste. The solution was to magnetize them :)

I left the original door in place, placed a strut behind it that holds a magnet, and the other door with the missile launcher attached has the other side of the magnet

Nose weapons are magnetized as well which allows me to have almost any configuration of weapons. The only weapon that will be set in place will be the multi melta. I don't really see a reason to take a heavy bolter on the speeder right now, especially when I can use the heavy flamer and multi melta at the same time :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Finished land raider

I'm more than happy with how this land raider turned out :)

Soon there will be some Rhino's :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Space Wolves land raider: almost finished

The weathering is done. Now I just have to wait for everything to dry, do another coat of lacquer, and then add some decals, and it will be 100% ready :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Space wolves land raider - almost ready :)

All base coating is finished. Some washes were also applied.

All I have left now is to seal it, and start weathering :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Space wolves land raider - primer phase

This was a simple but time consuming step. Block all openings, and prime everything:

And here it is in it's all it's primed glory!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Space wolves land raider

After a long time I didn't touch my space wolves. it was time to go back and visit them again.

Here is the beginning of the land raider

Guess I'm crazy for detailing the interior, but it just looks great that way :)
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